The traditional packaging industry heavily depends on manual labor, where humans are responsible for operating and handling products and packaging materials. This labor-intensive process requires physical effort and specific skills. However, manual labor is associated with limitations such as human errors, low efficiency, and constraints in working conditions. In contrast, automation in the packaging industry introduces machinery and equipment to streamline production processes.
انساني وسيلن جي قيمت ۽ مزدورن جي گھٽتائي
Traditional manual operations in the packaging industry impose high labor requirements and costs, leading to labor shortages and hindering production efficiency and timely product delivery.
انساني غلطيون ۽ معيار ڪنٽرول
Manual operations in packaging are prone to human errors like packaging mistakes, mislabeling, and inaccurate product stacking, resulting in quality problems, higher product return rates, increased customer complaints, and difficulties in maintaining consistent quality levels due to variations in employee skills and work habits.
پيداوار جي ڪارڪردگي ۽ صلاحيت جون حدون
Manual operations in the packaging industry hinder production efficiency and capacity improvement due to their slower nature compared to automated processes.
لچڪدار ۽ اطلاق
Manual operations' fixed and repetitive nature poses challenges in responding to market demands and product changes.
ڊڪو ڪوبوٽ operates autonomously, minimizing human intervention and maximizing production efficiency through preconfigured parameters. Its visual inspection system utilizes advanced camera technology and image processing to detect flaws and errors throughout packaging. These integrated systems automatically verify packaging accuracy, ensure precise labeling, and maintain product integrity, promptly addressing issues. DUCO Cobot also collects extensive production data and employs data analysis and optimization algorithms to continuously improve the packaging process.
اعلي پيداوار جي ڪارڪردگي
خودڪار پيڪنگنگ سسٽم تيز رفتار، مسلسل، ۽ درست عملن سان پيڪنگنگ جي عملن ۾ انقلاب آڻيندو آهي، دستي مداخلت جي ضرورت کي ختم ڪري ٿو، نتيجي ۾ پيداوار جي ڪارڪردگي ۾ اضافو ۽ ننڍو چڪر.
گھٽ ۾ گھٽ مزدور خرچ
خودڪار پيڪنگنگ سسٽم دستي مزدور تي انحصار کي گھٽائي ٿو، وسيلن جي مختص کي اعلي قدر جي ڪمن کي چالو ڪرڻ، غلطيون ۽ حادثن کي گهٽائڻ، ۽ آخرڪار مزدورن جي خرچن ۽ لاڳاپيل تربيتي خرچن کي گھٽائڻ.
پيڪنگنگ جي معيار کي وڌائڻ
پيڪنگنگ مواد جي درست ماپ ۽ ڪنٽرول سان، اهي فضول ۽ اضافي پيڪنگنگ کي گھٽ ڪن ٿا، آخرڪار پيڪنگنگ جي معيار کي بهتر بنائڻ ۽ نقصان ۽ آلودگي جي خطرن کي گھٽائڻ.
انوینٽري مئنيجمينٽ کي بهتر ڪرڻ
خودڪار پيڪنگنگ سسٽم کي انوینٽري مئنيجمينٽ سسٽم سان ضم ٿي سگھي ٿو حقيقي وقت جي فهرست جي نگراني ۽ انتظام حاصل ڪرڻ لاء.
بلاڪ 4. No.358 Jinhu روڊ، Pudong ضلعي، شنگھائي، چين